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Public Meeting: Fixing the waste problem in Dublin

Events (9)

Fixing the waste problem in Dublin - Local problems, National solutions

  • Where: Barbara Ward Clonliffe Community Centre,
  • When: 8:30pm, Tues 24th September

We need to start thinking differently about how waste is managed in Dublin.

  • Bin companies get to make a profit from collecting our bins.
  • Yet they can drive past bags burst open on our streets.
  • The onus is on residents to report illegal dumping
  • Dublin City Council is left to clean up the mess.

Ultimately, there is far too little investment in recycling and composting services.

More public bins and CCTV are important, but this is tinkering around the edges of the problem.

I believe we need to overhaul how waste is collected, who collects and how we hold dumpers responsible. Many other European cities can get it right, so why can’t we.

Do join us at the meeting to hear how with some imagination and a change of our laws we could change how waste is managed in our areas.

PS. Changing is coming either which way. The bin collection companies tell us that higher costs are coming next year when EU rules of export of waste take effect.💶

Plus Dublin City Council have recently announced a phasing out of bin bag ban exemption on the Southside⛔️

We still don't know if the Northside will follow and crucially what will the alternative there will be. Three bins outside every house with no front garden?...

All are welcome at the meeting.