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Public meeting: Supporting the Arts in Dublin

Events (5)

The Arts are a crucial part of the fabric of our communities.

Yet we’re seeing significant challenges faced by creatives across our city; the soul of Dublin is being hollowed out. At last count, we’ve seen 47 artists’ spaces close over the past 15 years with far too few emerging over that time.

Like many other workers, artists face enormous challenges finding secure, affordable housing and these problems are compounded by a lack of arts spaces. Added to that we know that demand for arts funding far outstrips supply.  

Join us along with local artists collectives to discuss the problems and talk through some of our ideas on how local authorities and the State could step in to provide support.

Join us!

When: Wednesday 10th of July, at 7PM

Where: The Gallery @ The Complex, 21-25 Arran St E, Smithfield, Dublin 7, D07 YY97.